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have you ever been called out by a comedian at a comedy club?

years ago 2 buddies of mine went to see sam kinison. one of my buddies got a little too liquored up and passed out. sam sees this and walks up to him and starts screaming at him calling him all sorts of things....i wished i had been there.

rest in peace sam ❤️
I have been called out by an amateur comedian when I went to a club in Seattle. His stupid comments raised ire in me, i cut into him as well. I think about it now and wish it was Sam Kinison because of his brilliant genius. Thank you Sam for all the laughs you will be missed
Fairydust · F
No, I spoke to them after a show once about the heckling, we added each other on facebook.

She then got really famous and had to delete her account.

She messaged me to explain why she was leaving.
@Fairydust I figured that lol
Fairydust · F
@SW-User [media=https://youtu.be/ePanX9Y_cn8]
@Fairydust LOL, my god that was hilarious
Lol…. no, but years ago I went to see Howie Mandell and he must have gotten distracted by an audience member getting up to use the restroom. So while he was gone, Howie had everyone in his immediate area change seats so when the guy got back, he had no idea where to go.
ArtieKat · M
Yes! In the 1980s I was running the bars at a posh nightclub and we had this foul-mouthed Mancunian comedian appearing. He picked on me as I was restocking one of the bars.

Lilymoon · F
He was so good 😓
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@beermeplease He was great, the original choice for Al Bundy
@NativePortlander1970 he was funny in "back to school" 🤣
@beermeplease Loved how Rodney dished it back to him.

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