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The most surreal thing you can readily experience is looking directly into a small bright light for half a minute and then looking away

The image will be burned into your retina exactly where you focus your eyes. You can focus on the small shadow and see it moving around as your eyes start to move to focus on it. The more you try to catch up with it the quicker it will bounce around, only when you stop moving your eyes does it disappear and then blink back into existence right next to or exactly where you're looking.

I remember a old story I heard about someone who saw a bright glowing ball of light in the dark moving around, and she could see it clearly and she could follow it until it moved out of the window. I am 100% sure this was one of those instances. It can get really trippy sometimes, sometimes it really looks like there's a ball of light in your room.
Lostpoet · M
I used to do that a lot with light. if you close your eyes and rub them it makes the image and colors more intense.
Lostpoet · M
@MartinTheFirst No, it was around six years old when i started doing it too. I also found out that you can cut the blood flow from your retina by pressing on the corner of your eye and the room will go black.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Lostpoet thats just dangerous man
Lostpoet · M
@MartinTheFirst [media=]
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
and you will damage your retina

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