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I'm thinking about giving up on my human title and identifying as a Baby Face 👶 from now on.

Inspired by @NerdyPotato And obviously @BittersweetPotato who helped me discover what I really am.

Fun fact, this all started when PotatoGaga found out that my younger brother has a beard and I don't 😅 she actually thought he was my older brother and actually a few people in my offline life did make the same mistake. I'm just not a fan of beards, I had it for a few months in 2021 but I eventually gave up on keeping it.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
It is not even about the beard, but he just looks older than you when there is a good gap between you two lol 🤣🥔

I would say babypotatoface would be a good start.. then maybe you can work your way up, someday, one day, to a fully grown and mature potato, like myself and nerdy potato 🥔 😌
I approve of this choice!
All 3 of y’all are so cute. I love it
Lilnonames · F
[image/video deleted]
@Lilnonames Lol I'm not an angry blonde though 😅

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