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This should go well

I'm going to pick up a wheelchair for my brother tomorrow morning and I'm feeling nervous already. I'm going to try every function in it and make sure it's good on ramps and small curbs and adjust the armrests and stuff to specific measures. I have to make sure everything is perfect.

I have messed up and made terrible decisions about a deal that happened in October last year and I ended up with two ridiculous chairs which were not even that good. I didn't try them well enough and one of them had terrible suspension issues the shocks were rock solid for some reason and it interfered with the grip of the middle wheels as it had 6 wheels and not just 4 and with any obstacle it would just keep spinning the middle wheels and it won't move anywhere and because of that it was extremely dangerous to climb a simple ramp and in order to do so I had to back up and go on the ramp with speed and I tried going down a ramp once and it slid out of control and since the wheels that got brakes were sliding I couldn't stop till I was down at the end of the ramp and thankfully nobody was in the way or they'd have been injured. The second one wasn't as bad and it's suspension was a bit smoother and it was more useable. But then there was also a weight problem. It was like 150-160 kilos empty. So good luck if you get stuck. I then got mine replaced with my current rear wheel drive chair and it's been lovely and it does everything I want and it's 90 kilos so even if I get stuck it's not a big deal to get it on or off a curb if someone is blocking a ramp or whatever and it crawls up and down ramps slowly, gently and safely. As for the second one the guy (not the guy I'm going to see tomorrow) we got it from wanted to put it in his showroom and pays me back when it gets sold and I decided to bail on him and just sell it on my own and I did sell it in like December.

So anyway I managed to find another rear wheel drive one in great condition which has all the features mine got plus an extra feature. And I think it's around 115-120 kilos not so bad.

I just don't want to screw up again. I'll definitely use my negative experience from last year to not do this all over again.

You can say why the government won't actually get them for free but that's not really the way things go in this part of the world. And thankfully with everything going crazy the prices are still the same so far in this industry at least in the second hand market. I don't have $40k for a new one with the features we need.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I hope it goes well. I wish you had access to an Occupational Therapist that could fit you and your brother for wheelchairs so you could find the one that worked well for you and fit properly.

Occupational therapists are invaluable.
@iamonfire696 Thank you I appreciate your thoughts 🤗
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Always, I really hope it goes well for you 💖.
@Lilnonames Thank you.

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