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What has been your funniest prank to date?

I played hide n seek with my obnoxious nephew and left him hiding in the closet while I watched tv in peace . Found him napping in there an hour later
@SW-User The punishment game :)
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
My ex hubby used to go start my car for me before work, so on April Fools I hid it behind a bush on the street and he thought it was stolen. He was outside having his smoke pacing because he didn’t know how to tell me. When he did he was so pissed when I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore. 😂
😁@Jeephikelove Wow just wow
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
I am the worst for pranking people! Anyone who knows me well knows they are never safe lol.
For my son's 16th birthday I put condoms inside a box with a load of those prank spring snakes you can get inside joke snack tubes which I had also stuck condoms to. When he unwrapped the 'gift', the lid of the box flew off and condoms went everywhere with a message that said "stay safe now it's legal". I think he understood lol. His friends found it amusing too. 🤣
I let people play.
Now, you may change BC whenever and give it to me.
NO thanks.
I pranked a guy to death! With a tire iron!
@MrBlueGuy Sounds like you punked him too 🤣
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Too bad at pranks.☹️
Hope70 · F
Telling a guy in the middle of the winter that if he would take off his clothes and run through the water, I would. I was just kidding but he did it anyways.
I hid in my kid's bed and jumped out on her.

She still hates me for it.
@V00doo that should be a crime
@SW-User Yeah 😔
Azlotto · M
When people at work ask to borrow my ink pen, I hand them this.

@Azlotto Nice one
I don’t prank.

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