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Do you ever laugh at something even if you know it might create a misunderstanding?

Personally I just think it's worth it to laugh, if they misunderstand something and are the type of people that hold passive aggressive grudges instead of asking about it then it's their problem 👀
alan20 · M
I was actually thinking this morning about teachers I especially admired. My last teacher, a very considerate Polish gentleman despite being a decorated war hero, never told me what to do but conveyed what was important to him, by demonstration. Ultimately it was up to me.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@alan20 Oh thats a nice little story ☺️
It'd be hard to hold back the laughter in real.
I can temper it a bit more online. But even then, I won't totally pretend and walk on eggshells. I am more likely to just blurt it out and speak my mind.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Good, I love that ☺️ I sat in class the other day and this teacher was super arrogant when someone asked a question she considered to be stupid, she was like "You COuLd do it that way 🤨, i dont understand why you would though 😆", i burst into laughter, her reaction was so unnecessary, the poor boy! 🤣
@MartinTheFirst Okay with teachers though, they got to be careful. Because they're in a position of mentoring tender minds and don't want to give anyone an esteem issue or worsen it.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Yeah it was terrible 🤣 crap

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