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alan20 · M
I was actually thinking this morning about teachers I especially admired. My last teacher, a very considerate Polish gentleman despite being a decorated war hero, never told me what to do but conveyed what was important to him, by demonstration. Ultimately it was up to me.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@alan20 Oh thats a nice little story ☺️
It'd be hard to hold back the laughter in real.
I can temper it a bit more online. But even then, I won't totally pretend and walk on eggshells. I am more likely to just blurt it out and speak my mind.
I can temper it a bit more online. But even then, I won't totally pretend and walk on eggshells. I am more likely to just blurt it out and speak my mind.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Good, I love that ☺️ I sat in class the other day and this teacher was super arrogant when someone asked a question she considered to be stupid, she was like "You COuLd do it that way 🤨, i dont understand why you would though 😆", i burst into laughter, her reaction was so unnecessary, the poor boy! 🤣
@MartinTheFirst Okay with teachers though, they got to be careful. Because they're in a position of mentoring tender minds and don't want to give anyone an esteem issue or worsen it.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Yeah it was terrible 🤣 crap