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OliverM22-25, M
That was bizarre.
OliverM22-25, M
@Abwiee I didn't go down anywhere, getting out of that conversation was definitely more of a 'clawing my way out' act. Good times.
Abwiee22-25, F
@OliverM Don't tell anyone but lowkey I'm a little salty I got blocked.
OliverM22-25, M
@Abwiee Go block some random person. An eye for an eye will make you feel better.

My lips are sealed.

littlematthew12322-25, M
hi and I agree sometimes people on here are weird but I hate most when they dont even message you back!
AmmieBell18-21, F
I WAS JUST READING THIS 馃槀 I didn't know he deleted your comments though?? You were probably the most respectful one on that post haha
AmmieBell18-21, F
@Abwiee they would come on in like Mass report a post to get it taken down if they didn't like it, or start trolling about the exact same thing on the exact same post. I still can't figure out if it was like... An organized crime group or what 馃槀 But I imagine it started like that. Someone trolling a post really hard, shutting down other replies, and then other trolls with see it and just want to get in on the fun
Abwiee22-25, F
@AmmieBell I don't think i was on here then, but that is so funny. I want to be part of a tagteam SimilarWorlds troll group, whaaaat.
AmmieBell18-21, F
@Abwiee I think a lot of people either deleted their accounts or stopped commenting on posts because of it 馃槀 I never got involved at all. Not that it's really needed. Like you can see on the post that you just got blocked from, any different opinion ,even one that's backed up by facts, is immediately shut down. I could see that guy that you and Oliver we're talking to was crazy, so I didn't do any more than Hearting the responses I agreed with. I'm too non-confrontational to talk on the post of a guy that's clearly looking for a fight lol
ProfessorPlum7770-79, MVIP
I see no problem with deleting a comment from someone that disagrees with me, especially if the tone is argumentative or disrespectful.
Lucyy22-25, F
@ProfessorPlum77 I don't agree with deleting a comment just because someone disagrees with you, but either way. But to delete a comment that disagrees respectfully, and follow up with lies about it being disrespectful so you look "right" to everyone else and feel powerful for getting the last word in, even though you blocked them so they can't reply to the comment you responded to them with, comes across as unreasonable to me tbh. If you disagree with someone... that's whatever, but to delete their comment, block them, and then make up lies about them calling you names and insulting you, all the while you've blocked them so they can't respond? It's a no from me lol. Same dude also deleted all comments that were literally just saying "he didn't call you any names", and would then go on to claim that THOSE people also called him names and were insulting him. He's one of those troll accounts that constantly gets blocked and reinstated under a slightly different name.
ProfessorPlum7770-79, MVIP
@Lucyy Are you explaining your reasoning? Or, are you saying I deleted a post or account and then called the person I blocked a name or names? 馃
That truly doesn't make sense at all. I learned blocking doesn't solve anything. They can just make a new account and start all over again. The pettiness of some people
Sorry you got blocked Abbie. I promise i won't block you
maturedragon26-30, M
well done you just entered the cool club
How are you
I thought he got his dishing-it-out/taking-it ratio closer to unity

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