TexChik · F
My goal with all my martial arts training is to be able to do enough damage to get clear enough from my attacker to be able to safely draw and fire my weapon into them until they are no longer a threat. Been doing it 27 years
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Okay Daisy let's have it.
You and me in an alley full of broken glass.
You and me in an alley full of broken glass.
TexChik · F
Man vs woman? Not really fair but I have a second Dan in kick boxing and I stay active in it.

Pretty sure I'd lose in a physical altercation
Most people would win a fight against me.
I got zero experience, I have never had to actually fight anyone.
I got zero experience, I have never had to actually fight anyone.
Lilymoon · F
I already know you'd beat me. Lol
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
Sure, why the hell not. Unless you're, I don't know, wheelchair bound or something, I'm sure you could beat me in a fight.
Tell me here
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Suck my dick