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what should I do about my online friend of 4 years that blocked me?

It’s really stupid I know, but my online friend of 4 years blocked me. It doesn’t feel the same without him because I played with him almost every day on xbox. I was quite young when I first met him so it felt as I grew up around him. 3 months ago he blocked me because his girlfriend didn’t want us talking. I was really mad at the girl at first but now idk. If he really cared would he have only sent a one sentence message then block me right after? I really truly liked him as a friend. He was really kind.. his love language was gifting, we had the same humour that I genuinely don’t think I’ll meet someone like him again, our conversations during the night that lasted hours.. and he said he never liked anything new so I don’t really get why he’d do that to me. Anyways, I’ve been conflicted on if i should ask what to do, but it’s gotten to the point where I miss him more and more everyday. I’ve tried in the last 3 months to accept what has happened, but honestly I miss him and just want my bestfriend back. Should I message him even though I’m blocked? I personally think it’ll help me cope in a way even though he won’t see it. Or does anyone else have any ideas? If it also helps I feel we were more distant the last few times we played before he blocked me (like he was distracted from his gf or something while we were playing). Especially the conversations.. it felt really awkward.

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Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
Honestly if he was okay blocking you then it's clearly not a friendship. Move on,find actual friends whom will do everything to have you in their lives.
@Girlbehindthecurtain I thought about this more recently too. We were really good friends I thought.. i hate to think he didn’t think the same 🫠 thank you for the advice though!
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Kanyewestfan69 happens all the time,you give your all and they just wipe their feet on it.
Not much u can do. If they blocked u, then they probably no longer want u in their life. 4 years is a long time to remain as online friends. Sorry this happened to u, but hope it works out. Best wishes
@HappyCamper74 thank you very much! Unfortunately you might be right, people move on and I can’t do anything about it, But it was a good 4 years at least
@OlderSometimesWiser Thank you! That was actually the first thing I did when he blocked me. I kept getting stuck in my thoughts though. But I’ll try it again! Maybe I just needed more time. Thank you, again!
Not much you can do. But writing out your thoughts and feelings about him and the situation could help you to heal and move on.
Madmonk · M
It’s the girlfriend. She’s jealous. Give him time and space and understanding. He probably talked about you to her just a bit much so she shut it down. If he really was your friend he will realize this was a mistake when his relationship with his controlling girlfriend goes south. And it will. Trust me
Life's going to happen. What would you've done if you had a boyfriend that felt the same way about him? You have to prioritize who matters most to you
in10RjFox · M
Since you met him, you can always meet another one like him. Message him and get it over with. Don't be stuck with xbox for there is always ps5 and more.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well the thing is was he telling you the truth maybe she not the girlfriend but the wife? Have you talked via video where you have seen each other face maybe he a girl pretending to be a guy.
Lilymoon · F
In the online world that's a common thing unfortunately. hugs
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I am going through something similar. a super close friend just overnight stoped communicating with absolutely. no explanation. nothing. It drives me nuts, like I'm in the twilight zone.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@reflectingmonkey people are weird like that.
Sapio · 51-55, M
You have to accept it for what it is and move on.
This happened to me a few years ago so I know how it feels. Eventually you will accept it and it's just the way it is - some people just move on. I know in a way online friends can be more sacred than in person especially if you disclosed personal details about your life but at least you won't see them around your community. Rest assured time will heal. 🙏

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