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A post about socializing with chronic fatigue...

I do meet people face to face, but can only handle that for a few hours a week due to chronic fatigue. That's not nearly enough to satisfy all my social needs, so I spend most of my awake time online to supplement in-person interaction and that's where the difference with able-bodied people becomes painfully obvious.

Most people can only squeeze in an hour or two of active browsing some days, or a minute once or twice an hour throughout the day, while I'm pretty much constantly refreshing the page for 12-14 hours every day. With tens of people to follow, there's something more or less interesting to read from one or another regularly enough. But once I become especially interested in a message or comment from a particular person, it becomes very obvious they spent a whole lot less time online than I do. Then it turns into 10+ hours a day "waiting" for them to come online for an hour if I'm lucky.

Of course I can't and don't blame them. If I had more energy, I would be offline a whole lot more too. But that doesn't make the major imbalance any less frustrating. Shallow entertainment helps pass the time and I'm very grateful for that, but I need more and nobody seems to be able to provide that in any quantity that is significant in comparison to my days. Again: no judgment whatsoever to anyone because I fully understand other people's perspective, but it is something I struggle with nevertheless.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
Apparently you do not understand the phrase “in person” that would make it face to face not behind a screen or on a phone , that’s not “ in person”
@Prison1203 supplementing does not imply replacing by any definition, and I don't care what you think the reason is. I know the reason and it isn't rejection. I don't even know what you mean by replacing you and I only removed two of your replies for reasons I already explained.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I feel your pain and struggles. I would spend more time socializing with real life friends and meet some online friends well.

But having to make a living, juggling family and doing maintenance on everything.

When is a person really going to have time to do all of this and still have time to sleep, relax and get ready for the next day.

Yeah, I know I can come across as dick on, or overtly obnoxious on here. But that is the real me, just like if you meet me in person.

I don't hide my real personality. When I call someone my friend, I the type to mean it. On-line or in person.

That is why my block list is and always will be at zero. You can't make friends if they are sitting in your block list and you didn't even give them a chance.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
@NerdyPotato It really is.

Like take those that are retired, homemakers, or disabled and cant get out often as others. They might be as lucky as am and can leave and see other faces.

They might be online 8,10 or even 15 hours at time. Maybe they're very lonely, maybe the computer is their only touch with the outside world.

Like my a friend on here that is stuck in hospital bed and SW is their world.

Picture what a social life was like before the 1980s. No cellphones, no Internet, no chatrooms, just stuck in a room
@HumanEarth yeah, online interactions will never be as good as in-person interaction, but it's a huge help when face-to-face meeting are no option, or not often enough.
@NerdyPotato I think that's part of the problem for some people... they don't always understand that the choice is SW and online friends or zero human interaction at all.
Wiseacre · F
I have HPA axis dysfunction due to chronic stress over my lifetime. I have debilitating fatigue, so yeah, I know what it is. What do u do to remedy it?
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@Wiseacre it's from birth yes, and a recognized disease.
Wiseacre · F
@NerdyPotato there is online support about it. I probably have Mito dysfunction...most elderly have it.
Wiseacre · F
There are many reasons for fatigue, so ask for the DUTCH test...not bc you’re in Holland😀that’s what it’s called. It is an organic acid test and gives a lot of info, but u need a functional doc for it, who will then know what your body needs.
@Wiseacre I haven't heard of that test, but a lot is known about my disease. They know I don't get any energy from burning fat, so I'm fully dependent on carbohydrates for everything from movement to breathing, keeping my heart beating and maintaining body temperature, to brain activity.
Wiseacre · F
@NerdyPotato so, it's disease, then. I am basically on a keto diet, (hi protein), but also complex carbs. Glad a lot is known about it.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Do you take anything to help with for your chronic fatigue
@Wiseacre that one has been tried by other patients, but that didn't prove to do make any difference.
Wiseacre · F
@NerdyPotato so, how do they remedy Mito disease?
@Wiseacre I don't really. I just adjust my life to low energy levels.

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