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Bmfff I'm a 14 yo girl, need online friends 10-18 are okayy, i like video games, live in the netherlands soo for the time differences maybe umm yess if anyone has snapchat or discord or sm just text, i'm a little talahon (search it up) but still very nice dww, i like drinking red bull and monster, i like to flirt as a joke, I call everyone besties😭🙏, I'm a very good friend and stand up for if anything happens, I can listen very well if anyone needs to vent or anything else🤍
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3Rhenny3 · 13-15
uhhhh- im down!!

im 14
i like math- i live in the us

im a therian. furry. quarobist, and pan/
i jokingly flirt- uhhhhhhh

i have disc and yotube.

(disc) rowanzremainzz
(yt) @RhennyKades
uh ye
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
3Rhenny3 · 13-15
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@3Rhenny3 IS IT FUN?
Hii... idk..... dinosaurs 🦖

I'm 15, a guy, Canadian, I've had friends who lived in different timezones so I could probably manage with a few hours time difference... I currently juggle high-school, work and home sht but i TRY to make time for myself or friends, i like origami and dinosaurs, i might have depression, currently undiagnosed due to personal reasons, idk what else to say tbh..... oh, my discord is "datoneguy147" so yeah...

Anyways, take care.
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@Idfkanymorelol I'll add you!
FinnyCatt · 16-17, T
Hi! I'm Fin! I'm 16, & I like videos games & monster too :33 i'm also a good listener & i have discord. I live in the US, so there's a pretty large time difference lol. i have discord! Message me on here is you want to chat/want my discord!
the only thing that you might find weird is i'm a furry & therian (not a z00 🤮)
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@FinnyCatt Heyy, I'm perfectly fine with you being a furry & therian! I would love to chat, what's your discord if I can ask? (Btw what are your pronounces I dont wanna be rude or offend you lmaoo)
FinnyCatt · 16-17, T
@unknown1234 lemme pm you rq bc i don't feel comfortable sharing it to the whole world lol
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@FinnyCatt of course i get you
Bleak · 36-40, F
You are too young to be here..
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@Bleak Not really there are people younger than me on here so, plus if you look at my other posts i'm not really doing well i'm just seeking advice
Bleak · 36-40, F
@unknown1234 Don’t expect any sane advice.
unknown1234 · 16-17, F
@Bleak I mean literally advice to make myself feel better since i dont really have a good home situation,
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