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I Want to Make Friends

For the past few months now, I've been feeling quite lonely. Ever since my friend introduced me to chatting online a little over a year ago, I've come and gone with various people. I only have one friend to this present day online who's stuck with me this whole time. It honestly makes my heart ache losing friends. No matter how hard I try, people lose interest in me, even when I try to rekindle the dying flame of our friendship.
I honestly don't care how old you are or what gender (Although I seem to bond with older people for some reason) you are, as long as you're kind and humorous. I'm kind of an oddball, meaning I don't honestly fit in with todays generation of children. An 'Old Soul' if you will.

Thanks for looking at this insignificant post among the thousands that have come before me. It means a lot.
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I kind of relate to this, I don't have tons of friends either. But hey if you ever want to chat, you can pm me
Mosby · 22-25, M
Sure, I'd love that. We could discuss times and such if you want
Times as in time zones or am i reading into that badly:) I guess time zones are important
Hello, would you like another old soul to chat with (when I'm online which isn't always that often - sorry)?
Mosby · 22-25, M
I'd be glad to :D
Keep in touch! I don't have time now to chat, I have to go back to sleep. If I've time tmw to get on (& can figure out how to find you-I'm very new to this site) ill ttyt. 😉
I'm relatively new as well (a couple of weeks). Sleep well.
Please excuse me but I don't understand 'PM'?
Mosby · 22-25, M
PM - It's short for Private Message

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