As soon as you can get out of there, Maybe move back to Arizona. You will be so much happier I think. Find your people. Find happiness
@Bexsy I'll get there. I have to make the right moves so my son is always covered, but I know it'll at least feel like home one day.
that will definitely happen I can tell you as a 45 year old
now that my hormones aren't raging I have noticed I don't even give a sht about dating in huge contrast to before
a few times I recall I even had a date and I was depressed because I just wanted to stay at home by myself and watch LA Law
now that my hormones aren't raging I have noticed I don't even give a sht about dating in huge contrast to before
a few times I recall I even had a date and I was depressed because I just wanted to stay at home by myself and watch LA Law
@OrionInTheNight it's weird when you don't hate being alone, but end up alone, or are very careful who you spend time with... I want to date but I'm afraid to get back out there and I like my self-care. It'd be awesome to meet someone who understands.
Justafantasy · M
Your hot, your cool. It'll all work out.
Coming from someone who's been there and isn't sure where he is in life in any aspect
Coming from someone who's been there and isn't sure where he is in life in any aspect
@Justafantasy I don't think either of those things mean crap 😂 I want solid people in my life who like me for who I really am. I just keep getting more annoying.
Justafantasy · M
@MarbleMarvel just be you and don't give a F what other people think then. Those who are solid will be there, in reality pretty much all my best friends come and go from my life, some disappear for years then fall right back in. I don't stress over it much anymore
BrandNewMan · M
You are not alone in that. Hoping better days are coming for you.
popmol · 26-30, M
i'm sorry i wish i could help!
SinlessOnslaught · M
I'm worried about you.
@SinlessOnslaught don't do it to yourself. I'm fine. Life didn't pan out but I'll make the best of it.
SinlessOnslaught · M
@MarbleMarvel Take care of yourself.
being · 36-40, F
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@being Perhaps the lion was there with a message 🤔
The most recent was a few years ago but I was walking through a neon jungle, the colors were dancing and there was a rhythm playing. I noticed my gait begin to prance along to the best. My body felt extremely good and I felt so happy dancing a long. I started realizing my body was very different and that I was covered in fur and in my heart I felt wild. I looked down and realized I was a black Jaguar!
I started to draw it up but I don't seem to finish anything anymore.
The most recent was a few years ago but I was walking through a neon jungle, the colors were dancing and there was a rhythm playing. I noticed my gait begin to prance along to the best. My body felt extremely good and I felt so happy dancing a long. I started realizing my body was very different and that I was covered in fur and in my heart I felt wild. I looked down and realized I was a black Jaguar!
I started to draw it up but I don't seem to finish anything anymore.
being · 36-40, F
@MarbleMarvel wow what an ammmmmazzzzzing dream 💟 I love it, thank you for sharing it!
I've been a bird once in a dream...I could kind of feel the breeze in my feathers, I wasn't flying but sitting on top of a tree and looking at the forest from above. Was feeling light..
I'd love that, black jaguar... Maybe you can finish it off now...🖤🐆 It looks very cool
I've been a bird once in a dream...I could kind of feel the breeze in my feathers, I wasn't flying but sitting on top of a tree and looking at the forest from above. Was feeling light..
I'd love that, black jaguar... Maybe you can finish it off now...🖤🐆 It looks very cool
@being bless this kitty
I wish I had magic words that would help you feel better but have a hug instead 🫂
@pripyatamusementpark thank you for hugs 🤗
@MarbleMarvel of course
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
Life has a way of shitting on what we think we want, but it will give us what we need.
Hang in there 😥
Hang in there 😥