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Mildly AdultAnxious
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Please, don't tell me you are a Christian and then just talk about aberrant sex! It is off-putting!

How you see your Christianity is important if you are going to state you are a Christian. Too many say they believe but their behaviour is anything but Christian!

Yes, I can say, because I am on my second life having been blown up by Putin's war machine. He says he is a Christian too, and then kills Ukrainian Christians claiming they are Nazis! He draws things quite obscure from the past and tries to justify himself through it. The Commandment is 'thou shalt not kill' it doesn't say, 'oh but if you think they are nazis it's ok'!

This kind of behaviour is at the best perversion, at worst satanic! Some might say, anything perverted is satanic, and I would be tried to find a line between them!
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Let’s not judge we are not Jesus. No human is qualified for judging
That's just what I was thinking when you were posting about your sex life 🤔
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