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I love my friend

But....we hung out the other day and it's hard to get a word in edgewise. I have to actually interrupt her to say anything and then when I do, she pulls out her phone and starts texting and doesn't even acknowledge what I'm saying. I just don't feel like I'm important enough to anyone besides my kids and that's even starting to wane at times
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TIstillwaitinggsc69 · 51-55, M
Yeah, not much of a friend!!!
LadyGrace · 70-79
Sweetheart, I'll be your friend. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I think it would be wise and even appropriate since you can't talk to your friend and get a word in edgewise, write her a letter and say exactly what you wrote here, in a loving way that she won't be offended. You can say I love you but when you do this and that it makes me feel like I'm not important enough to listen to. I pray this will work out for you and I believe this can really be resolved and it will be if she really loves you and cares about you and it sounds like she does but she's probably just so caught up in this world she doesn't realize what she's doing but I feel like she will come back to you and be a better friend. At least I pray so. And I'm sure your kids do love you it's just that this world is so caught up and busyness with games on the tablet to play with and everything else. They just don't realize how it affects you and how much you miss them. What you can do without even saying anything to them, just at the spur of the moment say come on kids let's go do this or do that and then do it. That will bring them closer to you and when you can, go outside and play games with them or if they're too big, you can take them out to a go-kart place and have fun there with them. Stuff like that or or bowling. I'll pray for you dear. I believe all this will be resolved. People just get caught up and things and are not thinking and all these computer games don't help. And at least once a week have a game night or something and go out to the movies or something. That's something you all can enjoy and have a great new memory of. It may not be easy but I believe you all can make time for that.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Nebula well maybe it will. Maybe that's just the little push she needed. I pray that she will accept it and will patch things up with you. Sure, she might be hurt at first but then see she will let this all sink in and then she will realize you are right. Just give her time.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace thank you so much
fun4us2b · M
@Nebula You should send, I had a friend like this in High School, he was one year older, but my dad made me realize that he was not a real friend...I confronted him and he changed! I was his best man and we stayed friends...but sort of drifted apart....
Doesn’t sound like much of a friend. For me there are times when feeling alone in this world just about takes my breath away.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@OlderSometimesWiser yeah sometimes it just feels like I'm only there to serve a purpose for people. Once I no longer fill that purpose I'm just useless to them. I'm kinda over it
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I've noticed that people mostly just talk about themselves. When I share something they tune out until they can talk about themselves again. And they will talk and talk and repeat themselves and expect you to agree with them.
Lilymoon · F
@MarbleMarvel this ☝
Madmonk · M
@Lilymoon this☝
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I've read through the replies and have something you may not want to hear.
This isn't about anything wrong with you. She is not a friend she is an acquaintance using you as company for her own selfishness.
Don't put her paying no attention on yourself.
Madmonk · M
@Gibbon this☝
You’re there for her to talk at only. Probably everyone else too. She doesn’t understand what it means to use her ears.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@SW-User I need more friends that aren't like that
@Nebula Next time start tuning her out.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@SW-User I can't do that
Tumbleweed · F
I have a friend like that. It's all me me me me me me and when I try to say something, I get cut right off with, yeah but you know what I mean, me me me me me and it's mentally exhausting & I almost can't stand this person at all anymore.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Tumbleweed I have to rudely interrupt to say anything
Tumbleweed · F
@Nebula Same and sometimes I just say 'ok nevermind' and walk off. We work together plus they call me every single day, sometimes several times and girl I'm telling you, it's wearing on me.
Nebula · 41-45, F
I feel that way too a lot
Especially around certain people...it gets old and then I just stop bothering and become indifferent
Nebula · 41-45, F
@pripyatamusementpark It feels like its me, like people dont really care to get to know me
@Nebula No one wants to really know me either but I'm ok with that ..
Probably for the best ...again not you ...them ...
Nebula · 41-45, F
@pripyatamusementpark I would love to get to know you
goliathtree · 56-60, M
Maybe she actually thinks so much of you that she wants to monopolize your time?
Nebula · 41-45, F
@goliathtree I know she does care about me but it doesn't feel good when she does that at all
Madmonk · M
We love you.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Madmonk Im gonna talk to her about it like someone suggested
Madmonk · M
@Nebula let us know how it went
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Madmonk ok I will
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
I wish there was an easy answer to this 😔
Time for new friends
Nebula · 41-45, F
@SW-User yeah
Bang5luts · M
One of my best friends used to do the same thing. If a person was having a conversation with him and he wasn't talking, it wasn't because he was listening to the other person. It was because he was waiting for his next turn to talk.

He passed away in 2019, I still miss our talks. Mostly because I didn't allow him to interrupt me and because he was very intelligent.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Bang5luts I love her and she does have a lot of issues, she will repeat the same things over and over and over, but it makes me feel like I don't matter
Bang5luts · M
@Nebula people like that we need to take in small doses. To keep them as friends, or keep our sanity
Sounds like you need a new friend
How old are your kids?
Somtimes people dont knjw what they are doing 🤷‍♀
She could be jist very excited to be with you .

Sometimes we need to speak up and let them know how we feel.

Only then will you know if she cares enough to change a little🫤
Intuitive · 46-50, F
I'm sorry. Might she have ADHD? My bf does this to me constantly and it's sickening.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@Nebula I think it's the perfect word to say for your situation.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@NativePortlander1970 I dont think she is, but her kids did say that so she might be different at home. I know how that is

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