Sweetheart, I'll be your friend. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I think it would be wise and even appropriate since you can't talk to your friend and get a word in edgewise, write her a letter and say exactly what you wrote here, in a loving way that she won't be offended. You can say I love you but when you do this and that it makes me feel like I'm not important enough to listen to. I pray this will work out for you and I believe this can really be resolved and it will be if she really loves you and cares about you and it sounds like she does but she's probably just so caught up in this world she doesn't realize what she's doing but I feel like she will come back to you and be a better friend. At least I pray so. And I'm sure your kids do love you it's just that this world is so caught up and busyness with games on the tablet to play with and everything else. They just don't realize how it affects you and how much you miss them. What you can do without even saying anything to them, just at the spur of the moment say come on kids let's go do this or do that and then do it. That will bring them closer to you and when you can, go outside and play games with them or if they're too big, you can take them out to a go-kart place and have fun there with them. Stuff like that or or bowling. I'll pray for you dear. I believe all this will be resolved. People just get caught up and things and are not thinking and all these computer games don't help. And at least once a week have a game night or something and go out to the movies or something. That's something you all can enjoy and have a great new memory of. It may not be easy but I believe you all can make time for that.