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Send one gift to a friend or acquaintance

Why not? I have several coins and dont use them often at the gift shop.
Send one gift today to a friend, acquaintance here, or even someone you dont really know. Let's have a little extra happiness, life's too short. GO!🦋🎉🎁🤩
eyeno · M
just saying..,

That really sounds like a plan but im saving my coins for the up coming Christmas.👍
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@eyeno Ive got to earn more now for Christmas, I forgot!!😱lol
eyeno · M
@Coralmist ya..,I had to remind myself to hold off..,

Coralmist · 41-45, F
@eyeno Thats my favorite holiday movie lol!!!
"RUSS!!!??" ..."IM Right here, dad. " 😛
Ontheroad · M
I'm late seeing this, but I'm going straight off to send a gift!
Rokasu · 36-40, M
Wonder if I can send gifts to myself 🤔
Lilnonames · F
I do that all the time. When i see someone with no gifts i send one

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