Family and friend challenges
I have 2 sets of friends. We all used to hang together but one of them got defensive and went offensive. Then the “tables turned” and the door was slammed shut between them. . I miss that we used to spend weekends together so now we have to split our holidays (my family) between my two best friends. I know that in life everything happens for a reason. I guess my thought are childlike. Wishing for the good old days. I know deep down they love each other, but during trying times they (like anyone ) are easily are irritable? I just have to accept it. Here’s my question: do I or do I not tell them., oh hey, we’re traveling with …. And visa versa. Do I just say we have plans? I’m used to being an open book. I used to say “you can join us too” so it’s a challenge to be tight lipped. Around them. What’s the right thing to do???keep it simple? Say only the minimum. :-(