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Not a funny show.
LonelyLoserThatDeservesDeath · 31-35, M
@LonelyLoserThatDeservesDeath But, THAT is a very funny movie.
firelaw · 22-25, F
rick and morty honestly shouldn't even be for kids
LonelyLoserThatDeservesDeath · 31-35, M
@firelaw I guess it isn't meant, but who's stopping them?
bijouxbroussard · F
I wouldn’t have understood it back then. Children are much less innocent now.
MethDozer · M
@bijouxbroussard I think Animaniacs, The Tick, and Ren and Stimpy were way edgier and much more clever.
MethDozer · M
The Simpson's was good.for the first few seasons but turned to trash around 2002.
Rick and Morty sucked from the start. Not sure what is up with the dick riding. Watched a lot of episodes and is pretty stale and boring. The gags come from a mile away.
Rick and Morty sucked from the start. Not sure what is up with the dick riding. Watched a lot of episodes and is pretty stale and boring. The gags come from a mile away.