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Smokerdave · 26-30, M
I think Emma might have been hoping for more than just friendship and probably felt rejection from Adam after finding out about his new relationship, now she's probably feeling lonely and cold towards hin

RubySoo · 56-60, F
Adam leaned on Emma while he needed to. She was ok with that. Had he told Emma about the new girl...shed have been happy. But by not telling her.. she felt he was hiding it. If hed previously been very open with her and then wasnt....shes right saying their relationship has changed.....but He cant see that because his need of her was the basis of their friendship. Now he doesnt need her so much....he cant see how this affects her....surely...she should be happy for him.
But....shes realised actually...she dudnt mean as much to him as she believed she did.
He hasnt done any thing wrong.
Nor has she....but shed feeling a tab hurt....maybe used a bit....

I think i know these people well......😕
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@RubySoo Fact is, he didn't
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Jenni855 🤗 are 'they' still talking?
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Jenni855 ...they rarely do. X
Emma grew dependent on Adam while he was only trying to be a good friend. Adam found a partner and shifted what he was willing to give. Emma is now expecting Adam to be the guy he always was, but hes looking for a different sort of relationship. Emma has very reason to be sad about it, but expecting to get more than what she has from Adam is too much - he is only a friend. Maybe he should not have been so kind and giving to start with if it was only going to lead to dependence.
@RubySoo So true. It's a very familiar story.
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@TwiddlerofThumbs What do you mean?
@Jenni855 Just that it is a familiar scenario. I think many of us have been in similar situations.
The expectations that both had of the relationship is definitely flawed. A used the E as an emotional crutch and E created expectations in accordance to it.

What is strange however is that A wentt quiet - purposivly distancing himself from E. Either he was aware of E's emotions or attempted to dissuade his own.

Impossible to draw a conclusion without further information - the personalities of both parties are still too vague
I do not mean 'strange' as in out of character - I mean that it may be an indicator of his personality. Hi motivation for choosing to cut contact can be further unpacked.

It may be a sign of guilt or shame. Perhaps even something else
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@Jouskan47 Interesting perspective
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Jouskan47 probably a factor.
bobby1975 · F
There was a thought of a relationship on both sides
BlueDiver · 36-40, M
I'd think that the story is a lot more complicated than a single paragraph can say, and that the only people in a position to judge either of them are Adam and Emma, and anyone else who's actually been there, up close, and knows the larger details of the situation.
BlueDiver · 36-40, M
Have what?
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@BlueDiver lol....sorry ..i didnt phrase that well. I have been in a senario similar like this...and was much more complex than yd believe.
BlueDiver · 36-40, M
We human creatures have an innate craving for easy answers, and for deluding ourselves into thinking that we have those answers. We want to KNOW, but we rarely want to take the time and put in the effort to actually make that knowledge legitimate.
xSharp · 31-35, M
she got friend-zoned and he went on a rebound, the rebound she thought would be her.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Jenni855 are you sure this story isnt about me? 😕
Jenni855 · 36-40, F
@RubySoo No, its me :(
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Jenni855 i gathered hun.
But honestly... it could be about me. X
If you want to talk....
Smokerdave · 26-30, M
What Ruby said...!
CoolInferno · 31-35, M
Guess, Emma should move on...

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