You can ignore them and not play their games. That's all I got.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@SW-User : This is the soundest advice. Cut off contact. The pattern will continue because it’s who they are.
iamharry · 26-30, M
@luckranger71 But as a friend, I feel sorry for them. I don't know, but to me, it sounds selfish to leave someone without getting at roots of the problem. Is there something will you like to suggest me so that I can help them?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@iamharry You are not their therapist. You cannot "fix" them. You can only decide how you are going to deal with them. People who want you until they get bored, then get in touch when they are going through a lonely patch, only want you for their own convenience. They do not have a "problem." But by treating you casually and using you for their convenience, they may present a problem for you. One solution is to have boundaries and hold firmly to them. Trying to fix them or "help" them will not work. It will only bring you more of this exploitive behavior.

I think people often don't know themselves. When they get too close to someone too quick, it is more about a void they're filling in themselves than about the person they're getting close to. And eventually, it stops doing the job because it's not real.
I'm not saying this applies to you but it could be a reason.
The best thing I think is to take your time knowing someone.
I'm not saying this applies to you but it could be a reason.
The best thing I think is to take your time knowing someone.

idk man, im one of those ppl
Trevo · 26-30, M
One cannot control anyone. But you can let them know how you feel about all this and maybe tell them how you won't be tolerating it anymore
celine211 · 22-25, F
they could have some attachment issues
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@iamharry You should seriously consider making psychotherapy or counseling a career. Meanwhile, don't be a free therapist for those who attempt to exploit you.

I don't understand this either. If its not for a good reason. I have abandonment issues so I hate to abandon anyone.

May as well the interest simply disappeared. Some people are very wishy washy :D haha
pandainpinktutu · 26-30, F
Let them know that they're behaving in a rather callous manner and if they don't bother with making an effort to not be that way towards you, drop them like a hot potato.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
no relationships suck
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
they probably think they dont deserve you or some bullshit like that.