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How can I move on from people who have not been good to me?

and how I can still wish them happiness, despite all that they've done to me?
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You need to want to let them go, in every sense of the word.
To be absent from your life.
You move on, and you find closure on your own.
They are besides the point, in this excercize in your life.

As for the happiness part, for them:
You wish it internally, and can express it many ways, through journaling, etc.
You can chose to have them in your heart, while not be present in your life.
If you are a spiritual person
you can pray
perhaps perform some special ceremony /ritual.
youngnconfused · 26-30, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON you are so spot on, thank you so much for your input!
@youngnconfused Most welcome :)

If they hurt me so bad and I used to care for them, I try to delete everything that reminds me of them and stop thinking about them
SailorMarz · F don't have to do all that. It's okay to hate someone who has done you wrong.
It's been called "inner healing" .. I've actually had hundreds of hours in classes on that subject because I'm a chronic fuck up.

I hope my choice of words wasn't offensive to you. That was not my intention.
youngnconfused · 26-30, F
@puck61 they weren't! I appreciate your advice
I think LunadeLobos has said it best. I would only add that we often neglect forgiving ourselves because of a resentment towards others and we often neglect forgiving others because of a resentment we have towards ourselves. That may not be applicable for you, but it was for me. Sometimes negative reinforcement from key people in our lives makes us believe bad things about ourselves that aren't necessarily true, and we need to come to terms with that.
youngnconfused · 26-30, F
@puck61 This is very true as well, I thank you for taking the time out to tell me this!

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