No. As I get older, I have more skills, more money, and more emotional intelligence. I kinda think that if you have less friends as you age, you're either doing something very wrong in your life or are subject to difficult circumstances that are specific to you.
MoMM, I think I am about the same. It kept me from voting in your poll. You ask good questions on here for the record.
I had a spike of friends in college because of being in a consolidated environment but it is so fleeting, in and out in a few years and many of them transfered flunked out or graduated during my time in college.
I think right after COVID from isolating I dipped in interactions for about 2 years.
On the flip side I have been a remote worker for about 20 years and that lets me be more social when contrasted to somebody that has an office commute.
My friendships changed, or evolved a lot. I have little in common with my high school friends today and am stuck on what to speak to them about.
By contrastI make friendships base more on common hobbies which makes for a stronger bond, or in your words real frindship pretty quickly.
I do a good job of not being chumy with co-workers which feels, more often than not, like a bad idea.
I think a lot of people who have trouble making friends, even on here, have 2 things that could help them right away
1) be more curious about others---I think a lot of us, collectively speaking are too self focused and not enough interested in others to make descent friendships and
2) for the self conscious folks, they could realize in terms of friendships nobody what you look like, how you dress and such---but they do care about compassionate you are and how good you are at interacting with others.
@SmileOnYourBrother I really did order them. Some knucklehead was beating on my door to sign a petition so he could run for mayor . I don't like to be impolite or ill-mannered, so with the signs I won't feel morally compelled to answer the door.
@Moneyonmymind I work 12 hour night shifts 4 days of the week. The other three I’m asleep during the hours normal people are awake. So I spend my nights working on another business. My time management is fine, thanks.
@uncalled4 Less time, or if you’re someone like me. Practically none. I do think back to when I was a kid though with nothing but time. I had a lot of friends then.