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What gender do you feel relates more to you ?

All my friends are male usually and I really want to bond with girls too.
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acupaday · 46-50, F
Mostly men because of my tomboy roots, love of old muscle cars and video games, and because I’m okay with not filling silences with unnecessary words. Didn’t even think of that last one until a guy friend told me how appreciative he was to be able to sit with me and just be. But over the past few years I’ve been able to bond with more females because we seem to currently share a lot of the same struggles and the comfort that comes from that is so amazing. It’s been a nice balance.
acupaday · 46-50, F
@Idontbelonghere A backwoods restaurant kitchen of all places. Was the most random thing finding the caliber of coworkers I have.
@acupaday I'm glad for you.
acupaday · 46-50, F
@Idontbelonghere Your backwoods kitchen will present itself too 🙂
I tend to bond better with men, though my past trauma means that I need time and patience while I work through my issues with men.

I just need a little longer to get through hypervigilance and reach the point where I trust, that's all.
@HootyTheNightOwl I feel you and you have my empathy. 🫂
@Idontbelonghere My mother had to reassure my "big brother" that he'd have to give me time and patience - and put up with me staring at him while I settle down with him. That's just the way I've been, having never really had a safe relationship with the men around me as a child (most were physically abusive towards me and wanted to hit me).

It's not uncommon for me to bond with someone I feel safe with, yet still need to watch other members of their family. No matter how hard I try, I can't tame that primal response... even a man I don't know walking too close behind me stresses me enough for me to start having symptoms of a health crisis and try to get away from him.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
At one time, I would have said that women relate to me more than men do.

But I have learned how to be close friends with men as well.

Nowadays, I would say both can relate to me equally well.
@DrWatson Balance . :)
I’m a feminist, (the old school type) but my closest friends are men. Both in rl and surprisingly, here.
@bijouxbroussard I am also but I love everyone. I relate better to males but I try really hard to make friends with my own gender.
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I get along with both, though a few close friendships I’ve had with women ended up getting complicated and then ending 😕
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I think I get along well with almost anyone. Though it comes more easily with women I think, maybe because my interests are somewhat androgynous
@caPnAhab That's cool though .
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
My best friend is a man. We can talk for hours.
skmokisses · 46-50, F
I've always found it easier to befriend men.
Sweetpoison · 41-45, F
@Sweetpoison I think you're more emotionally manly than me 😅
@SinlessOnslaught Can't you just be like the under-sensitive guy with a girlfriend who cries all the time and say, "🙄 Calm down, it'll be alright."
WandererTony · 56-60, M
Both really. But somehow have more ladies in my inner circle than men. 🙂
DHggmu · 31-35, M
Women, I find them generally more interesting to speak to.
I generally get along better with women, though even those are exceptions. Even more generally I don't get along with humans.
@NerdyPotato Well I am an alien and you are my favorite person :)
@Idontbelonghere you are mine too
Lilymoon · F
Men. I can't seem to trust or relate to most women. 🤷🏻‍♀
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Men, cant seem to form a bond with a woman
@Bang5luts 👀
@Bang5luts We can't what ?
Bang5luts · M
@Idontbelonghere able to form bonds with women.
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