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A real women never fall in Love with empath or psychopath men, because she already fall in love with God and always submitted to God...

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JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Sounds pretty boring to only love dead people. She needs to get a life and have some fun with others too.
gagan1999 · 31-35, M
@JamesBugman love is not about fun or sexual pleasure, it's about life, humanity, compassion, kindness and empathy...
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@gagan1999 That is partly true. Life is about pleasure. Some find it with sex yes, others find it in music, or art, or exercise, math or chess. Whatever makes you feel good, that is what you should do, and don't pass YOUR pleasures onto others saying it is the only way, or that they are deficient if they do not follow it because it may not apply to everyone. Religion is like this, it is an unproveable fantasy taken from a book written by humans, nothing else. You may find immense pleasure reading it, going to church, inhaling incense and throttling yourself when you do bad things, but it is not for everyone, and it certainly has no bearing on whether a woman is real or not.

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