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Squirrel brain and friends

I never knew how much my brain was on side roads compared to most people. Finally getting an ADD diagnosis helped a lot with seeing those side roads and I can begin to see how the mechanics of it causes stress and confusion for myself and people i interact with.

Too many thoughts at the same time leading to paralysis and ultimately the 'doom spiral'. Worries that I will say the wrong thing and over explaining myself to the point of exhaustion.
The awful habit of interjecting a story or comment into someone elses story. This isn't because I ignored the person or felt my take was better, it was because it felt to me like a great way to show I cared, was listening, and could relate (i didnt even know I was doing it so often).

So mostly I found it easier as a kid to not make friends. I had people I would hang out with and occasionally do things with but I was not on the first pick roster, so to speak. This never bothered me much as it was easier to slow the torrent of thought when I did things alone.

There are people I do care about and I am trying to figure things out as to how to reduce my bad traits. I can see when i start doing some things and can then dial them back so I do have some sucess but its a lot of effort still and I still get stuff wrong.
I want to work on listening more but often I go too far and listen (all while clamping down hard on me too-isms) that I dont ask questions. Mostly its because i feel like i am being intrusive. I have to find a good balance, I guess.

The part that makes me laugh is that normal people dont have to go through this much effort.
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fdurst · 61-69, M
Impressive work you are doing. Something that might be helpful to slow yourself down is "active listening " ... a quick Google search will get you some good instructions. Good luck, you are doing a lot of hard work.
Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M
@fdurst thank you, I will look into that. I have heard the term before but it wasnt at the front of my conciousness. Every little bit helps!
fdurst · 61-69, M
@Arnoldjrmmer our brains can listen way faster than we can speak ( 400 wpm vs 150 wpm is what I have heard). And our brains get bored waiting for the other person to finish...even worse for the ADD/adhd brain. Active listening helps prevent this
fdurst · 61-69, M
BTW...good to see a fellow Red Dwarf fan...smeg off 😉😉

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