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goodness is not about being an empath or psychopath, it's about following religions or not following religions... If a psychopath follow religion he

can be good psychopath and if a empath don't follow religion then he can bad empath...
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
There's a difference between having beliefs, following a religion and following a organized religion.

Psychopaths are liers. So you're referring to an impossible situation with religion. They will lie even about their own beliefs.

Empaths feel things and follow their feelings. So empathy is irrelevant to all the above. Empathy and religion are neither synonymous nor exclusive.

Even a animal feels things. Yet doesn't have a religion.

Goodness is relative to individual perspective. A psychopath lies. So lying is good to the psychopath.

Yet is a lion good, if it kills a human for food? 🤷🏻‍♂

It is good to the lions perspective!

Everything has a different perspective. No two things are the same. Even DNA proves that.

It's why science and ALL religions are constantly at odds with each other.

Science has proven everything is different. No two things are the same.

If you don't want to believe science, then why are you even using ANY products science produces? Like the Internet?🤷🏻‍♂

Your religion definitely doesn't condone it! It's a product of science. Not religion.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@gagan1999 and follow this societies fake values? 🤷🏻‍♂

Never been a follower! Ever! Even my father labeled me a rebel.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@gagan1999 you think that they don't understand what religion is?

I previously hinted there are conflicting controlling types. The wealthy and the religious are those two types. Neither are ignorant!

Yet neither are they right in doing what they are doing.

Absolute control is only self serving. And that is wrong even by nature.

Life is CHANGE! NOT CONTROL. Control is the opposite of change.

They control to limit change. That is wrong. That is abhorrent to nature!

BTW your reply was hidden. Poor choice of word in your reply.

Hidden replies don't receive notifications. I only know about your reply because someone else liked my replies.

Another example of control! This time by this site!

That as well is WRONG!
Theyitis · 36-40, M
I’m skeptical. Being religious is part of the human condition, or, in other words, everyone is religious whether they recognize it or not. So everyone follows some kind of religion. If you mean it’s about following some religious text such as the Bible, the Quran, the Daodejing, the Upanishads, etc. I would argue that different interpretations of the same text can result in very different actions; furthermore, I don’t think that religious doctrine that has been written down already is necessarily superior to religious doctrine that hasn’t been written down yet.
Unless they follow a bad religion 😳

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