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My family seems kinda weirded out by me letting my friend live with me and stuff.

I think some of them think I'm a simp, or that she's taking advantage of me. I mentioned to my brother that I'm gonna be working in the office more so I can drive her to work, and he basically said it's weird if she didn't like, performatively tell me not to do that.

I don't feel like it's that weird. I think letting a friend crash on your couch when they're shit outta luck is pretty common. It's a big favor, sure, but idk, my parents gave me a LOT of help getting started in life and I think it's kinda super reasonable to want to use that privilege to uplift someone else. Besides, it's not like I don't get anything out of it. She cleans a lot, she has a most wonderful cat, and it's nice to have company.
Frostcloud · F
seems like a healthy scenario:) if they dont know her i get why they worry about you being taken advantage of. ive gone out of my way to help people and it ends up biting me in the butt. but even with my past experiences being negative it doesnt have to be that way, and im sure she's very grateful
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Frostcloud She is very grateful. If they only met her, I'm sure they'd all be chill with it. IDK when we would do that though.
Frostcloud · F
@BlueVeins meeting her im sure would help a great deal. maybe if you all share social media you can make a casual post about something shes cooked or a nice dau you've had together and it'll help them see her in a new light in the meantime 🤷‍♀
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
What does she do for work? Does she do drugs? 🤨
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Notsimilarreally She does customer service work, her new job is at a call center. It's not glamorous, but it'll pay the bills. Her real passion is voice acting.

She drinks about as frequently as I do (which is to say, rarely), in addition to her prescribed meds.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
If she ok with that closet living arrangement. I really don't see what they have to object to.

I had numerous female roommates in my early twenties. Two of them returned the favor twice.
Teslin · M
Nice of you to let her crash.
Hopefully she is helping with the household expenses as well.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Teslin I asked her not to, at least until her credit card debt is paid.
MethDozer · M
You'll end up banging

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