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Do your friends stop communicating with you when they're going through something?

I've noticed that I'm quite open, it's not to brag about my woes but because I feel sometimes keeping lines open distracts me from my pain.

But actually I'm learning to accept that a lot of my friends aren't like that. They will discuss issues with a partner or family members and shut me and others out until it's dealt with.

Feels kind of rubbish tbh. 🙁
greensnacks · 31-35, F
I can't share everything with friends as I feel I'm trauma dumping and I don't want that. I am chronically feeling guilty even when I share just a bit of pain that I'm going through and regret it after. It's also possible they don't feel you close enough to actually share problems with you.
sometimes people just hold it in. thats their way of dealing with it. they arent comfortable with sharing their life, its how some people cope.
4meAndyou · F
My brother is like that. Sometimes, after the fact, he will send me a one line email telling me that he has some sort of health condition, but then he goes 6 months without writing, and to find out how he is doing is like pulling teeth.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I'm the same way. I rather spend more time outside of the internet.
For me it's more the opposite: they only find me when something is troubling them and shut me out when they feel better.

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