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PSA : I'm leaving SimilarWorlds

Hi everyone,

I have some important news to share with you. After a lot of thinking and soul-searching, I have decided to take a break from social media for a while. This is not an easy decision, but I feel it is the best thing for me right now.

I've met some really incredible people here on SimilarWorlds, and also a lot of villains too lol. I just want to thank you all for your amazing support over the years. You have been my inspiration, my motivation, and my family. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me and for each other.

I hope you understand that this is not goodbye, but see you later. I need some time to focus on myself, my health, and my happiness. I will miss you all so much, but I promise to keep in touch and update you on my journey.

Please take care of yourselves and each other. Remember it's impossible to run away from this toxic garbage fire called SimilarWorlds. Did you really think I would leave? No one can escape. We're all trapped here until the Sun dies and the planet turns to dust. What idiot called it Jetski instead of Boatercycle?

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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M Best Comment
You are the #1 most painful elimination of the day.
tenente · 100+, M
@MrBrownstone DON'T GET ELIMINATED!!!!
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@tenente First he rolled then he rocked. Wrong order Kenny

Nuno, this one's trying to escape 😡
Well then I'm just going to
I DID read the entire thing. You made me sad. Then mad. I now must hunt you for sport.
[image/video deleted]
You have a few minutes to run while I get ready.
This message was deleted by its author.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
So sorry to see you go, tene. I imagine we will drown our sorrows in cheap champagne and tacos and dance the night away. So sad!
tenente · 100+, M
@hunkalove nooooo read the end 🙁 my sarcasm was too strong
AST!!!!!!! @Lilymoon our newest member and you ofc with @Tennessee
tenente · 100+, M
@TryingtoLava AST!!!!!!!!!!!!
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Human Sacrifice.... It's happening 😱😱😱😱😱😱

Seriously though, SW won't be the same while you are away. Stay strong and healthy. We'll be here when you return my friend
tenente · 100+, M
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
@tenente Still here? 🤔🤔
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Dear tenente, I was so sorry to read you were leaving at the start of this post, and so proud of you for being true to yourself instead by the end of it. My hero 😍
HannahSky · F
Stay well Tente. Who are we going to sacrifice now 🤔
Really, stay well!

And ha , you got me there!
GLITTER · 36-40, F
Cue hotel California
Lol i was reading so seriously :D
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Take care and be well @tenente even if you're just a punk not going anywhere. Lol maybe you should take a break. 😋
I am disappointed I didn't get to meet you 😪
Hush up and get your straight jacket back on...
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Back to the pit with you
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tenente · 100+, M
i cannot believe i was already forming a warm filled goodbye to you in my head. you deserve to get poofed for messing with my emotions and my head
EDIT: this post is so old why are ppl commenting right now 😭😭😭
@deathfairy it got recommended for some reason
@deathfairy and he never left
i think i fell for this ORIGINALLY and was mad then too @mysteryespresso
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