Not a friendship but my most recent relationship that ended at the end of last year was on good terms now we are best mates and to tell you the truth we get along so much better now. We just weren’t meant to be lovers but still an important role in each other’s lives.
leucanthus143 · 26-30, F
@SW-User wow thats really cool of your guys, that’s so great that it worked out that way! How did you even come to that mutual understanding and maintain the idea of keeping each other in your lives?

@leucanthus143 everything went well in the relationship except a couple of differences, we talked them over and those differences were getting in the way of the relationship and we were only together for 15 months and we took it slow too. Our break up was a mutual decision too. The break up did start off sour only because we were both heartbroken, had a 2 month cooling off period and first time we caught up again with a mutual friend, we were just like we were before we ever hooked up with no old feelings or awkwardness.
Seems like an odd thing to do. End a friendship on good terms ? What’s below a friendship relationship? acquaintance? Which then doesn’t seem right, because you still know a decent amount about that person even if you no longer share a friendship.
I’ve ended relationships on good terms. Where we’re still able to check in on each other and maintain peace, and gradually build some sort of friendship? I’ve dated many who weren’t the best of partners for me, but were nice people nonetheless.
I’ve ended relationships on good terms. Where we’re still able to check in on each other and maintain peace, and gradually build some sort of friendship? I’ve dated many who weren’t the best of partners for me, but were nice people nonetheless.

I think I have.. And she is long gone, who sometimes messages me. I think we understood we trusted each other, understood our depression together, and decided when she was moving to end on the best possible way we could.
leucanthus143 · 26-30, F
@SW-User that's really beautiful to hear, I really can't imagine doing it myself, so I just get really picky about who I give my attention to and hope we stick it out so it never has to get there. But I do believe at the same time we can never guarantee all friends can align with our best interests for life.

@leucanthus143 It is rare of course and you must listen to your heart, for them and yourself.
Bubbles · 36-40, F
A friendship no, something that was becoming more than a friendship? Yes, but it doesn't usually go well

Can't say that I did, a lot were just drifted apart
leucanthus143 · 26-30, F
@SW-User yeah they mostly are

Not for me
leucanthus143 · 26-30, F
@SW-User difficult hey

@leucanthus143 seems to be