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I Am a Vegetarian

But may be no longer...

I've been a vegetarian for about 7 months. I feel terrible about the way factory animals are treated, the disregard for their lives brings tears to my eyes. The videos I've come across are just horrid. Not to mention the effects on the environment. Anyways, now when I see meat on a plate all I think about is that it's the dead corpse of an animal. I think about how they looked before being brutally murdered... I think about how they've lived a life of torture and abuse. But it's not just ethical reasons, it also simply grosses me out now - I feel almost as though eating it would make me a canibal. Plus the pus, feces, uric acid, fat and blood just don't sound good to me. I have no desire to eat it at all. I used to love bbq but now it makes me think of burning flesh, ugh. Anyways, this isn't meant to gross anyone out, it's just how I feel. I don't care about the choices others make. The reason I'm making this post, is because despite my aversion, I may need to somehow break this mental barrier and start incorporating meat again...

So, I may become a pescetarian instead. As in...ill eat fish & eggs in addition to veggies and such. Why? Well, first of all my skin. A few months ago this weird indent/depression spontaneously appeared on my face. There wasn't a pimple in that spot or anything. I started associating this issue with possibly my lack of protein, but I ignored it. Now it's even bigger. I don't want a dent on my face...and it may be permanent damage that will only get worse if I don't address it. I've read that such dents can be due to protein deficiency or vitamin deficiency, such as B-12. My skin has also lost volume it seems, making me look a bit older and frailer. And...a couple months after becoming vegetarian I experienced the worst cystic breakout I've ever had. My dermatologist was shocked and this led me to start Accutane.

In addition to skin problems, I'm having low energy and I'm not in as good of shape as I used to be. This time last year I felt great and looked great. I was eating a clean and high protein diet as well as following a strict workout plan. Well, I'm doing the same workout plan now but not getting the results I had before. Last year my face and body we're looking great. I had a good amount of energy as well to do my workouts; now I dread them and feel weak.

A friend of mine who looks like she's super healthy and in great shape is vegan, however surprisingly her doctor told her the diet is actually wearing in her body and now she's incorporating fish and chicken. I always looked up to her as proof of a healthy vegan, but I guess that was even misleading.

By the way, I've tried other options for protein (beans, tofu & fake meats, nuts and nut butters, Greek yogurt, cheese, eggs, protein shakes, protein bars, protein cereal, protein-infused soy milk, etc.). I've also tried supplements for the vitamins I'm missing. Some days I would even go way over my protein goal. However, this type of protein isn't as "quality" as meat protein which gives us the right amino acids. I realize that by being pescetarian it will still be hard for me to get this quality protein, unless I eat fish and eggs everyday (which probably isn't healthy?) But I'll try to get amino acid pills and continue eating other meatless protein sources.

Wish me luck on a journey back to health and if you have any advice or tips on how to get sufficient protein, aminos and/or vitamins please let me know. Oh...or how to get past this mental barrier of guilt and disgust.
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Intermittent fasting, interesting. I'll look into it! I've heard of the zig zag diet before too, where you alter the amount of calories daily by having more one day and less the next. I'm not sure if that's similar?

I believe my Grammy has a form of diabetes. My parents however aren't diagnosed as diabetic. My mom has always been tiny. She weighed like 95lbs at my age and now she's 113lbs but really fit and definitely still skinny. My dad is in decent shape as well but he's had years where he was overweight.

I take after my mom more though. However I fucked with my metabolism so it's not as good as before. 4 years ago people would bother me and tell me I was "too skinny" even though I ate a lot. I got tired of it so I tried really hard to gain 15lbs. It eventually worked but then I hated it and worked my ass off to lose the 15lbs lol. I lost it and fortunately never gained that much again, but if I don't watch my eating and stay active most of the year then I always end up putting on about 5-8lbs & losing tone. I guess that's pretty typical though.

Anyways, burning body fat sounds nice so I'll be looking into this :). Thank ya sir. I'm curious though, what would be signs of insulin resistance?