When my son and I were living and traveling in the van we were waiting for the right time to adopt a dog. In the meantime we do a silly thing where we buy the weirdest sweet potato in the store. We got one that looked like a goose and my son got attached to it and named it Lucy Goosey. We held onto that thing for a month and finally told my son we gotta eat it or it's gonna rot. I chopped and cooked it up and he cried. He still refuses to eat sweet potatoes 😂
When my son and I were living and traveling in the van we were waiting for the right time to adopt a dog. In the meantime we do a silly thing where we buy the weirdest sweet potato in the store. We got one that looked like a goose and my son got attached to it and named it Lucy Goosey. We held onto that thing for a month and finally told my son we gotta eat it or it's gonna rot. I chopped and cooked it up and he cried. He still refuses to eat sweet potatoes 😂
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Awww...sweet (potato), but sad.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
@SW-User The THINGS that we do for our children
How about kiddie foot-sized carrot? 😮🫣🥺
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Do NOT eat the feet of little children. Good heavens, man...We MUST be more civilized...🤣🤣🤣