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I miss 2020

FB keeps showing me memories from that year.. and I know that its beginning was stressful as hell for me.. but, really.. that year was great. It is the year I did all my immigration work and got approved, and also the year I studied for my final level exam, attempted it December 2020, and got my pass results early 2021.

It was a year with a lot of hard work and I really enjoy and miss that in my life. Probably didn't feel like fun at the time, but I was still able to enjoy myself and i feel so nostalgic when I remember it.

I miss 2020 dearly!
BnBSpringer09 · 26-30, F
That was oddly a really great year for me as well despite the pandemic. I accomplished a lot of goals that year, bought my first home (very exciting!), and my beautiful kitty cat was born!
There are definitely parts of 2020 I DON'T miss!!

@ElwoodBlues the toilet paper crisis was the most annoying part of the pandemic indeed.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
Ugh 2020 was a pain in the ass. Though every year seems to be like that.
Me too, but for entirely different reasons.
I don’t miss 2020 or the first five months of 2021!
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Don’t miss 2020

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