Full of herself potato 🥔😚
Sometimes I can be such a dumb potato 🥔🤣 So I was trying a listening french exercise on my app.. I didn't get everything, but when I paid attention, I was pleased that I could understand what the conversation was mostly saying, even though they were talking fast and just regular french. Then I find myself starting to tidy up the room around me while it was playing in the background, because YEAH, my french is just THAT good, that I could listen and multi-task 🥔🤣
I just always do this.. I hardly do any chores unless there is something playing.. Be it an audio book or a discussion on YouTube or whatever.. But this time it really made me laugh.
I just always do this.. I hardly do any chores unless there is something playing.. Be it an audio book or a discussion on YouTube or whatever.. But this time it really made me laugh.