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I love pizza.

After graduating from uni in my mid 20's, I knew I needed time off. I found that solace in a commune in a rural area of North Carolina. The commune was called the Ashram Prison Project, where they sent healing literature and support to prisoners, and also, offering a place for parole for many prisoners.

I was young and worried about the fact that some of these people had killed others. But I knew I needed to have an open heart.

I spent my days at the commune waking up at 5 am, and walking a short wooded path to the temple to meditate for an hour. It was still dark at this hour, and for the first time in my life, I saw fireflies! After meditation, we spent an hour in silence. I chose to walk the beautiful forest during my silent time. After that, we broke for breakfast and also broke silence. After breakfast, our daily tasks were assigned.

I spent most of my time in the garden, pulling weeds, mulching the plants, picking the ripe fruit and veg. I also pulled the potato bugs off the plants, to be relocated to another area in the forest. If you've ever pulled potato bug off a plant, it's easy to pull their bodies from their head, resulting in a sticky mess. I learned to be cautious.

Once a week, we were paired up to make meals. On my first meal prep, I was assigned to making pizza with a middle aged man who had committed murder as a teen. He had spent more than half of his life in prison. We didn't say much to each other, only focusing on the task at hand. But making pizza with him was magical. He changed my world through pizza...and his overwhelming sense of compassion.

Later that day, I saw him in the garden. I told him how he changed my life. We embraced and both cried.

I am indebted to him for life. And I love pizza.

In celebration, I got one of these tattooed on my back.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
That sounds like a great beginning to a movie. Do you wonder where that man is and what he is doing now?
@cherokeepatti I haven't been in contact, no. I do think about him.
Always relocate!

Great story as well. Learning happens all the time.
We have to be aware enough to listen..
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
One never knows what the outcome will be, if fear holds them back..
metaldog · 51-55, F
What a beautiful and incredible experience ❤️❤️
@metaldog it really was 💜
BobbyMoeven · 100+, M
Such a great share ... Ty
Oster1 · M
Very sweet story! Have a lovely weekend! 😊🌺
@Oster1 Thank you, you too! 💜
Oster1 · M
@TheFlippantSide You are very sweet. Thank you! 💜
Beautiful story !!
Lostpoet · M
Certain people come into your life for a reason I honestly believe this.

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