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Can you make non-retarded groups

Poll - Total Votes: 12
Make groups great again
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I was FORCED to join 10 groups before registering and the groups were horrible, made by either 12 year olds or someone who is really simple. They were just everyday things that no one cares about. How many discussions can you have about being right handed or liking pizza?
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No, you can't make new groups. It's the SW form of torture. But beware, if you post questions that are actually stories because it's easier, somebody will take you to task. There is a fairly large Question Violation Sheriff's Department here.
Fernie · F
@Mamapolo2016 I was never told or forced or asked to join any groups...ever. Is this a new thing?
@Fernie I recall dimly something about 'Choose 10 groups to get started.' They didn't pour soda up my nose or anything.

Gettibg disgusted before you finish signing up is a little like having an affair on your honeymoon, though.
MethDozer · M
@Mamapolo2016 There are few retarded sheriff departments here. People are nuts.
Fernie · F
@ShekelGoblin just from reading your adolescent, childish, immature post I knew you were a little snothead foul mouthed baby. I've reported your filthy, inappropriate mouth
Goralski · 56-60, M
@Fernie 😍
ShekelGoblin · 26-30, M
@Fernie "D-Don't b-be mean on the internet, y-you're immature r-reported"
Trevo · 26-30, M
There are some generic groups that almost everyone on earth can relate to, pick those
prettywoman · 26-30, F
U hut mah feewings
ShekelGoblin · 26-30, M
@prettywoman Me no care
Prisoner69 · 26-30, M
Shekel hahaha

Nice profile name
Fernie · F
if no one cared about stuff...they would not be in those groups
DaughterOfTheDust · 26-30, F
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
you must have missed the diaper groups
MethDozer · M
They aren't even groups. Still shows up on the main feed to everyone.

It is totally redundant and pointless.

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