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Anyone else think the Food Network has too much white trash food?

I saw the Pioneer Woman make tacos from frozen fish sticks. I'm no food snob, I love Jack in the Box tacos! But do fish stick tacos need to be explained on a cooking show?
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KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I can tell the part of Los Angeles.You probably live in pacific , palisades or Palos verdes ha
@KingofBones1 nope. I live in the Nunya Bizness part of town. What's with aggressive attitude? lol You don't even know me.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Since they moved away from cooking shows, it’s awful. I have watched the Pioneer Woman out of sick fascination. Her family is incredibly wealthy. Their ranch in massive.
@Bumbles I like the shows on PBS better. Or short videos on instagram. The Italian ones in Italian are the best!
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@JonLosAngeles66 Mario Batali had a great one the first couple of years of the Network. Emeril paved the way for the decline. Instagram/Tik Tok mush better.
sirweighsalot · 22-25, M
I agree in the sense that they only showcase white people food period, and judge everything like average white people who don't know what good food is
@sirweighsalot on the cooking shows definitely. On the contest shows it's a little more diverse but they still judge with an American bias I think.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Side of los angeles would not be safe for people like you
@KingofBones1 lol what does that mean?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I'd say they know which side of their peanut is buttered.
RachelLia2003 · 22-25, F
its not ok to call white ppl trash. im proud to be white😌

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