Any coffee place anywhere
Two of my favorite drinks are really basic and extremely hard to get.
Every coffee joint anywhere:
Me: can i get a coffee please
Other: sure, what kind?
Me: Coffee
Other: like the kind that drips?
Me: i guess so?? I dunno however you make it.
Other: We don't actually have that here but we can do Americano if you like.
Me: sure hot and black please.
Other: no problem would you like any cream or sugar in that any flavoring?
Every Coffee joint anywhere:
Me: Hi do you all serve hot brewed tea?
Other: Sure, what kind would you like?
Me: Chai tea please
Procedes to charge me for a chai tea latte and procedes to brings me a chai tea latte.
Me: excuse me this isnt right?
Other: didnt you order the chai tea latte?
Me: No ma'am i wanted just a chai tea. Just tea bag and hot water.
Other: oh sorry about that.
Proceeds to bring the right drink without adjusting the cost because a latte is double the price of a normal brewed tea.
Every coffee joint anywhere:
Me: can i get a coffee please
Other: sure, what kind?
Me: Coffee
Other: like the kind that drips?
Me: i guess so?? I dunno however you make it.
Other: We don't actually have that here but we can do Americano if you like.
Me: sure hot and black please.
Other: no problem would you like any cream or sugar in that any flavoring?

Every Coffee joint anywhere:
Me: Hi do you all serve hot brewed tea?
Other: Sure, what kind would you like?
Me: Chai tea please
Procedes to charge me for a chai tea latte and procedes to brings me a chai tea latte.
Me: excuse me this isnt right?
Other: didnt you order the chai tea latte?
Me: No ma'am i wanted just a chai tea. Just tea bag and hot water.
Other: oh sorry about that.
Proceeds to bring the right drink without adjusting the cost because a latte is double the price of a normal brewed tea.