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how does one make time go quicker?

it's friday and not even 11am. it seems like i've been at work all day and i am soooo jonesing for a beer!!!!!!!
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@beermeplease ] 😆maybe little comfort but all good things come too those who wait . you will have something too look forward too and enjoy every mouthful as it goes down lol
@smiler2012 hope we're talkin' beer 🤣
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
Fr, I thought it was afternoon already, time is slow today.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
It's 1:55 and I feel the same! However I'm not drinking on Fridays but after my gardening tomorrow I will most definitely have a couple of pints!

Do you have an busy mindless work to pass the time?
@JimboSaturn i'm busy but i'm dragging my butt because i'm stressing out about personal stuff
Sapio · 51-55, M
The older you get, the faster time passes.
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@Jimbo1 i stopped doing manual labour since i got into management

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