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On the plus side, I’ll get to drink more than I thought today

I’m at a different local bar now. The same one I used to go into the evenings on the weekends. It’s a much smaller bar, but it’s nice little secluded watering hole that doesn’t attract too many unsavories, lol.
I stopped at the liquor store after seening my momster. Drinking at home tonight. Whiskeg tonight 🥃
@Ducky you are someone i wouldnt mind sitting with and drinking.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@MyMonstersAreReal Wish you were here now. I’m totally alone now at the bar, lol
@Ducky id be there if i could girly. Drinking alone sucks sometimes
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Those are the best. I like places like that
MarineBob · 56-60, M
The best kind

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