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Piper · 61-69, F
No, but I sort of dragged someone out of a bar once when I sensed he was about to be asked to "step outside".
No but I have been outside a bar and asked someone to step inside.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
No but I have told them to ‘get out’ when I worked in one :)
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Yes. They never did
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Only in the sense, "It's too loud in here. Let's go outside so we can have a conversation."
@DrWatson Very sensible
being · 36-40, F
Have you ?
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@being We are right and sensible. Tucked into bed at 9pm after a cup of cocoa
being · 36-40, F
@Ozymandiaz it's 5am and I'm waiting it to be 5.30 and go outside watch the sunrise...
@being Lovey, enjoy 😌
splendid · 41-45, M
No, but I was invited to step outside. And, it was for what I thought was a very silly reason.
@splendid A dance off?
craig7 · 70-79, M
No,not in that sense - only if it was too crowded and raucous,and with the intention of going elsewhere.
LifeIsShort · M
I have been to bars like 3 times in my while life.
All good times.
I have been to bars like 3 times in my while life.
All good times.
@LifeIsShort Fair enough
Only for a bit of the old *whistles*
@SW-User no what idea what this is but there seems to be blowing involved 😂
MasterLee · 56-60, M
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I've actually never been in a bar fight, and I've been to loads of bars, pubs and taverns.
I don't get why some people get violent with alcohol.
I don't get why some people get violent with alcohol.
@basilfawlty89 They cant handle their drink is why
bijouxbroussard · F
Only when I couldn’t hear them, or they wanted to smoke.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yeah, but not for that reason. The types of places I frequent have that loud unn-tss unn-tss music, and you can't hear yourself think.
empanadas · 31-35, M
No but I have been dragged into serval bar fights. I'm not a fan
@empanadas I did witness a Wild West saloon bar brawl many years ago. About 40 guys fighting each other and the bouncers at the same time.
empanadas · 31-35, M
@Ozymandiaz I have been in one of those brawls. I had to change my friend groups. It's so dumb how quickly things escalate in bars
@empanadas Yeah, not worth it
MethDozer · M
I don't ask
I came close one time, the guy was treating his date like dirt, which pissed me off, so I told him to knock it off. He told me to piss off and stood to face me, I was still wearing my uniform trousers, when he looked me up and my security badge must have been poking out of my front pocket and he backed down white as a ghost, apologized to his date, pulled out a couple of $20 bills and left in quite a hurry, his date thanked me, my own late ex fiancee wasn't too happy with me though, her, her son, and his ex gf met me at the bar and grill for dinner after I got off work after a 12 hour shift, it was my friday.
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