CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
Dragon roll!!!!
goshlanders · 36-40, M
just looked that up... what does eel taste like? sounds freaky lol
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@goshlanders: I've never had a dragon roll with eel in it, usually it's tempura prawn with avocado or cucumber.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
Smoked salmon rolls are good, California roll is good, and crunchy rolls are usually good. Those are my safe options. It doesn't hurt to experiment though, just make sure they know you don't want anything raw.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
Yeah that's another thing, whatever the crunchy stuff on whatever the roll is. It's always good. Smoked salmon sounds bomb
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Maybe avoid raw fish. There's crab and shrimp though. And vegetarian rolls.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
Is raw fish really that bad? Or is this more of a, "you may not understand the taste of raw fish" type thing?
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
No it's delicious. But more people dislike it than like it. Try a piece of salmon and if you like it go for more.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
@Flenflyys: cool, will do. I'm not picky, just curious. Of course that doesn't mean I don't dislike things... I have a good feeling about the salmon though :)
marsbar · F
If you like crunchy & spicy, go for one with shrimp tempura in it with spicy sauce.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
Love spicy, thanks for suggestion
goshlanders · 36-40, M
oh wow! Just searched for some of this type stuff. Really liking the look of a Dynamite Roll
marsbar · F
@goshlanders: Enjoy then! :)
Sonnet · 41-45, F
Go for vegetable sushi then. easy-peasy.
QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
California an easy start or you can get it spicy.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
funny you mention this one. it's actually the only one I can associate a name and taste with haha Oh, and they are great definitely get that at the very least
SarawithouttheH · F
Gas stations always have the best sushi...Aged!!
goshlanders · 36-40, M
that always did mess with my head pretty bad. *swallows vomit*
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
Depends on where you are gong. You should google the place your going, check out the menu.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
sushi village I googled and just see pictures and names. Still don't know what's popular.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
@goshlanders: I lok for things with tempura coated vegies and the like in it. Or, anything with cream cheese and avocado has to be good. I've been told that at Japonessa I can ask if for no nori as that is the part I hate the most. so maybe you can there as well if that is an issue.
goshlanders · 36-40, M
@TwiddlerOfThumbs: never had anything with cream cheese. sounds interesting, might be a good thing to just try. As far as avocado, maybe I've had it?? Certainly didn't know if I did. I do like avocado. And guacomole too! lol
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goshlanders · 36-40, M
Figures I would miss the boat on that one. I have a weird thing about making anyone answer questions longer than 30 secs... that's how I was treated once upon a time in high school. The teachers just started telling me, "Put your hand down!" or, "That's irrelevant for the exam!" It must have affected me in some sick way. 😑
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goshlanders · 36-40, M
@ArtVandelay: so here i sit, not able to ask sushi servers questions... lol
Paschar · 70-79, M
If you really want to know about sushi then meet the Sushi God of Tokyo
goshlanders · 36-40, M
nice to see someone so enthralled and intense about their work. So precise and meticulous.