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Probably been done before but...everyone's favourite fruit! Vote here!

Poll - Total Votes: 103
Oranges (including clementines, tangerines, satsumas, etc.)
Peaches (including Nectarines)
Kiwi fruit
Passion Fruit
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Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing that it doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

(my way of saying that tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers, etc. will not be included, hehe).

All varieties of particular fruits are treated as one fruit (e.g., all varieties of apple).

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meggie · F
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
Lilymoon · F
I voted strawberries
RudeBoy1977 · 51-55, M
Apples, but only fresh McIntoshes.All the new-fangled sweet apples - bletch. I guess I'm just a sour old guy
Blueberries most days. All depends though
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Jlhzfromep · M
dragon fruit
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@Atlotto I'm not including things you can't put in a fruit salad :P
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@Atlotto My poll my rules 😂 (plus I hate tomatoes :P )
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Huckleberries, Honeydew melon, Kiwi, Oranges, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Mango, Pineapple, Bananas (Extinct version)
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
Not in above list
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Arboven no it doesnt apply to everything
Tomato is a vegetable
By your logic peanuts are a fruit
@rocknroll No, peanuts are actually a vegetable (or a legume, which is still a vegetable). Like other legumes they grow in the ground and are found in pods (although you don't eat the pods).

Please tell me why you believe a tomato is a vegetable.
@Arboven because a tomato is a vegetable
@rocknroll Why is it a vegetable?
No the tomato is a vegetable
@rocknroll The tomato is a fruit. Anything that has seeds in it and grows on trees or bushes is a fruit.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Pomegranates actually
@basilfawlty89 I switched out apricots (tasteless muck) for pomegranates.

You're welcome :)
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Arboven lol thanks, but I like apricots. Now, honeydew on the other hand is a bastard fruit. Not on there, but I just want ri state my loathing for it.
@basilfawlty89 Meh, you can stick it under Melon.
Lilnonames · F
I like all fruits it depends on my mood and what time of year it is
Lilnonames · F
@Arboven bananas, peaches, strawberries, grapes, mango, cantalope
@Lilnonames Vote vote vote ! 😋
Lilnonames · F
@Arboven I did
candycane · 36-40, F
Passion fruit

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