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Went to a different fast food restaurant and had a really long wait...

the cashier apologized and said there were only two people working today.

two people? where there used to be half a dozen?

so..I'm wondering if people called in sick...or if they couldn't hire enough people...or if the higher minimum wage is making management cut staff.

I see dark clouds on the horizon for the industry. probably going the way of robots and vending machines (and something on the order of the old automat).

Or...they may go the way of the buggy whip.
fun4us2b · M
It's all of the above.

Manufacturing didn't move overseas because we have a strong efficient labor force.

Yes they work for dirt over there, but the cost of transport and tariffs should even the scale, but it doesn't...
Sazzio · 31-35, M
Well, higher minimum wage is recoverable by upping on the prices not keep them the same. Chippy shops have found a way by giving chips portion LESS than wha they used t give but price is similar to about 4 years ago.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Retail is being strangled by high energy and ingredient costs.
Add to that inflationary pressure and you have businesses cost cutting where they can to ensure the survival of the business, even if it means downsizing dramatically.

But it can't survive much longer.

If you're an 18 year old youngster with a driving licence, you'll earn more money as an Uber driver than working certain businesses.
But then, business has known this for a decade or more and happily reaped the profit from this situation yet done nothing to protect either itself or it's employees.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Yeah, I haven't figured out "their" evil plan for us yet either, but I agree that the future looks grim.
The servings of food get skimpier, while the price remains the same. This doesn't only affect fast food chains, but in grocery stores as well. Cut through the bullshit, and everything is more expensive for less product, and or service.
Sazzio · 31-35, M
@cinsac Yes the portion of Large chips for £3 or over used to feed 4 people. Not two!
AbbySvenz · F
Can’t pay the workers because profits are down because we’ve doubled the price of food instead of making cuts in, oh, I dunno, top or middle management
Sazzio · 31-35, M
Were u at Dominos in Whitby by any chance?
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I would have just ordered online before picking up

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