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Hikikomoribabe9922-25, F
Crumpets are FIREE, slathered in organic butter oh that's life right there, not sure about the marmite and sweet chilli, but if it slapped it slapped 馃槀

When I was in school I wanted to play crumpet but I ended up learning how to play the crombone.
WelshLovely46-50, F
Marmite on crumpets with cheese melted over them mmmmm
Ironicman56-60, M
@WelshLovely lovely
nedkelly61-69, M
Crumpet has two meanings in Australia

II like crumpets with vegemite

The other crumpet is sex
@nedkelly 馃槅same here in pommie land ned lol
nedkelly61-69, M
@smiler2012 Not with Mrs Smiler
@nedkelly 馃槅no ned a valid point there lol
@Ironicman 馃槅i am glad you clarified and made clear your definition of crumpet lol yes i like crumpets toasted with lashings of butter but not a fan of marmite. crumpets like anything taste better if toasted on an open fire i remember my dad doing that when we where kids
Ironicman56-60, M
@smiler2012 Good memories and yes, toasting on an open fire certainly adds that je nais se quois
yesss! I KNEW someone else must put Marmite on crumpets! 馃グ
Ironicman56-60, M
@SW-User yes but with sweet chilli on top of the marmite, it's divine
This is repellent. Not the crumpet..but the toppings 馃あ
@SW-User i agree with you over the marmite it is an acquired taste but it is like they say like or hate
@smiler2012 I used to eat it at one time but now the saltiness gives me the ick
Despite being born and reared in the UK, I have never tried marmite.
It was going so good until you mentioned Marmite 馃ぎ
That sounds delicious.
Ive had them toasted and then cheese and marmite grilled on top and they were yummy
Ironicman56-60, M
@Lilymoon they're all gone, but next time I'll take a pic

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