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Sugar rush dont fail me now!!!

Just 7 hours to go 馃お
I have 4 hours left 馃檮
Silentpleasure31-35, F
MrSmooTh31-35, M
This is you right now.
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@MrSmooTh It was lol
Bklynbadboy1231-35, M
What snack did you have
Bklynbadboy1231-35, M
@Silentpleasure its definitely working for you
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@Bklynbadboy12 Thank you!
Bklynbadboy1231-35, M
@Silentpleasure i just messaged you
MrGomco36-40, M
that image describes the power of sugar in a child
MrGomco36-40, M
@Silentpleasure that's called diabetes lol 馃槄
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@MrGomco no thats when the pancreas doesnt produce enough insulin to absorbe the sugar you are eating. Sugar rush is when your pancreas works and your cells get all this delicuous sugar to energize you till you burn out 15 min later 馃ぃ
MrGomco36-40, M
@Silentpleasure Well I do not like sugar, I have glucophobia, lol
Oh how sweet that crash is though that's good sleeping
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@Arorin Not helpful at work 馃ぃ
@Silentpleasure haha i guess thats right
11knaves1141-45, M
What we having "treat?"
11knaves1141-45, M
BobbyMoeven51-55, M

Did you know that sometimes skittles make people sweat profusely ??

It happens to a friend of mine ,,,so weird , but doesn't stop her from devouring an entire pack in one sitting 馃槀
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@BobbyMoeven I did not know that!
Allelse36-40, M
Till what?
Allelse36-40, M
@Silentpleasure Oh, I thought maybe till you were being deployed to the front lines or something.

Silentpleasure31-35, F
@Allelse Probably should have gone that route career wise 馃槄
Allelse36-40, M
@Silentpleasure It would be a lot more exciting going bandit and you'd get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Also every year on your birthday you and your bandit mates can get together and fire your guns into the air.
justlooking202356-60, M
Looks like she was filling her shorts.
MrGomco36-40, M
Are you free now?
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@MrGomco Yes....went home and passed out!
MrGomco36-40, M
@Silentpleasure That's great on a Sunday off, it makes me very happy. May I ask exactly what your job consists of or what kind of job do you have?
7 hours are up 馃槍
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@Classified woot!!!
@Silentpleasure You are free! 馃コ
I just got home
Silentpleasure31-35, F
@Bexsy Lucky!!! Glad you made it home safe! 馃

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