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Asking the wrong agency

Why is it up to the government to regulate availability OR PRICE of any retail product? Answer: it’s not!! If you’ve got a problem talk to the baby formula or gasoline companies. In a capitalist country like America that’s how it works.
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CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Unless the government is causing the problem by shutting down domestic production and redirecting supplies of baby formula to the southern border where it can be consumed by illegal aliens.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Nighttalker Well, that is certainly where your facts come from. At no stage have I indicated I have or do not have any security clearances.
Nighttalker · 56-60, M
@Zeusdelight sorry, I thought I was responding to a different Shelia. My apologies.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Nighttalker Thanks for clarifying it.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
but our so called "capitalism" is more like an oligarchy
in this cae a merket limted by the biggest players
if a big companies crushed all the smaller one?
the thy can gouge.
I think a fair profit is a good and right thing
my life would not possobel without trade and profit
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KrakM · 22-25, M
The government can influence oil prices because they in reality control the supply of oil
KrakM · 22-25, M
@littledidi they controlnthe contracts of when where and how much oil can be extracted
littledidi · F
@KrakM you’re talking about crude at the well, which is not the “oil supply” for the retail market. Actually most of it gets exported
littledidi · F
@KrakM but it’s a corporate decision how much crude to export, and since the 1975 export ban was lifted in 2016 they’ve been exporting the majority of the crude yield.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
The biggest problem I see with price controls is that they inevitably reduce the supply of the affected product or service. Anytime the government interferes with free markets consumers suffer.
dale74 · M
The only problem I see is with the baby formula. Our country gives away more baby formula than is sold to the general public. Therefore it is a governmental purchase.If the government doesn't tell XYZ company we are going to purchase said product from you Then that company will not produce that product In the quantity needed to fulfill the demand.
This created a lack of baby formula in the market and the government went out and then purchased all the baby formula from other companies Reducing the normal supply that would be on shelves at stores. @littledidi
dumasme · 51-55, M
Well, from an economic perspective, in a market economy, governments do play a significant role in the economy by providing a legal and social framework, maintaining competition, and providing goods and public services that private enterprise cannot provide.

At the end of the day, in our capitalist, market driven economy, government involvement should be minor, measured and seldom, ideally. Dems, Reps & Libers all have different views on this.

Convivial · 26-30, F
Do you'd be happy if they jacked the price of food or gas by 100% overnight?
Dshhh · M
my only real conflict here is that as companies get bigger and bigger they can charge anything they want
like oil,, they clearly gouged us all for some of these recent years, and openly bragged about it
so not so much capitalism as corporate hegemony
If the government did regulate prices that would be communism. Strange how the people that are scared of communism are the ones that think the government can control prices.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Maybe the government shouldn't buy goods for non Americans
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@littledidi exactly
@MarineBob So you think sending back body bags of Americans us preferable?

They are fighting on behalf of the US, NATO, the EU.
Nighttalker · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy bullshit, they’re fighting on behalf of the military industrial complex. This war could have been ended before it really started but it was not allowed to.
If the government regulates production they need to take responsibility for the price as well.
dale74 · M
In a capitalist country it should all be supply and demand including labor markets
Aaronb · 41-45, M
May you answer my question please inbox
Totally agree !
Aaronb · 41-45, M
I sent you a message inbox
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Government is deep in all our shit.

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