Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
Unfortunatly I never got a chance to try it as it was going down the road alot more faster than I... I just could not catch up to it to try its tasty delights...
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Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
@ZenLioness: aww your such a love!
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
@ThatGuyChris: thank you. One admonition, eat fast food sparingly, because of its high fat, and calories.
Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
@ZenLioness: Oh I do, and again, my dearest sweet friend is concerned about my welfare... :)
karinaal · 70-79, F
[image/video deleted]
A good old-fashioned Danish “pølsevogn”.
“pølsevogn” means sausage cart but I guess that in America you would call it a hot dog stand.
They do sell hot dogs from these pølsevogne (plural) but also different kinds of sausages.
There used to be many of them in Copenhagen and other cities and towns in Denmark but they are not so common any more. They have a number of pet names and one is “Restaurant Fodkoldt” (= Restaurant Cold Feet). Just a few generations back almost all their customers were men and it was not because Danish women do not like sausages but because a respectable woman could of course not be seen putting a big sausage into her mouth, it could cause inappropriate associations.
There are a limited number of licences for these “pølsevogne” in Copenhagen and to get a license you need to be disabled.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F

diablo · 51-55, M
Diablo Taco! I just made that up :D wbu?
Jaylen · F
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
You made it up but it sounds like a good name choice for a restaurant!
wyolatex · 41-45, M
I agree...Wendy's is great!
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F


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Nefarious · 26-30, M
Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
reubles · 41-45, M
dairy queen
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
Anna's Taqueria!