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My Breakfast Today

I just ordered a strawberry waffle from a restaurant on Doordash. I have eaten waffles every so often all my life but have never eaten one of those fancy ones. I am really looking forward to it. I also ordered coffee to help me wake up and get into my day.

For a while, a few weeks, I couldn't bring myself to eat a waffle because of a remark to me here about waffles that I reacted to (possibly OVERreacted to) which the person who posted said was not meant to upset me. Actually, I think maybe it was meant critically but have firmly decided it is not going to ruin my enjoyment of waffles. So my ordering one this morning indicates a step forward for me. There are a lot of things I enjoy in my life and waffles are among them. Strawberries and whipped cream will just add to the fun.

Anyone else here like waffles? Have you ever had one with strawberries and whipped cream on it?
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Update: It will probably be months before I have another waffle. I might get a waffle iron and make it myself next time.

I really don't eat waffles that often.

Also, I don't drink soda at all, just never liked the stuff. And the only donut I like is an apple fritter. I eat about 1 apple fritter a month. Usually with coffee.

Today, I am going out to have a taco for breakfast at my favorite taco drive thru. And maybe some chips and pico de gallo.

I do eat pizza but, like waffles, not very often. I eat a couple of slices usually with a salad and then I freeze the rest in my little freezer to heat up in the microwave for other future pizza meals.

My favorite regular meal, and eaten most often in my life, is Greek or middle eastern food. Grilled meats, saffron rice, salad, tabooli, tatziki, and stuffed grape leaves are my usual favorites.

I posted this for those people who've asked me questions like, "How many sodas do you drink a day?" Or, "How many donuts do you eat every day?" I hope this answers that. Of course if I say I don't drink soda or don't eat a lot of donuts, they tell me about their sister or cousin who denied drinking soda or eating donuts until they (the poster and another relative usually) discovered her eating donuts or drinking soda in a closet where she had stashed a whole lot of the stuff. Then she finally told the truth. Having had her situation uncovered, she admitted to drinking umpteen sodas a day or eating a dozen donuts a day for years. Finally, she gave up sodas or donuts and she lost 40 or 50 lbs.

If I were going to conceal my eating, I like to think I'd find someplace a lot more pleasant and secure than a closet. Maybe a cleaned up tool shed in the backyard with reflective plastic on the windows and a warning sign saying the shed contained poison or radiation. A fallout shelter would also work well if my house had one. I could come up with a much more secretive place and much better junk food to eat if I was into hiding my lifestyle from other people.
StarLily · 51-55, F
Yes, I love waffles. My favorite way to have them is simply with syrup... but you gotta make sure you get some in every square.🤭

They are also very good with strawberries and whipped cream. Enjoy.🧇🍓
I have had them with strawberries a few times! I’m a big fan, yet I’m ok with never having one again. So maybe I’m an indifferent fan…

I do hope you enjoy yours very very much!!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I like waffles, never had one with strawberries but might have to try that with whipped cream. I make gluten-free waffles for myself and they are easy to make. I am going to start making mini-waffles and freezing them, there’s one recipe that is not a sweet waffle and can use those mini-waffles to make sandwiches from. I will also make a variety of sweet mini waffles to have for an easy breakfast or lunch, just heat them up in the toaster. Brownie waffles are my favorite kind so far but I don’t have them often.
Carissimi · F
I probably had one years ago, but they are not something I eat. I hope you enjoyed yours. It’s good to treat yourself once in awhile.
spikem · M
i like waffles too. haven't had any except the frozen ones that you pop in the toaster for a long time though. strawberries and whipped cream sound good. i usually put peanut butter on mine.

i'd like to get a waffle iron so i could make homemade ones now and then. when i was a kid i can remember my parents making homemade waffles, and putting mashed up bananas in them, or chocolate chips
yen pox likes waffles.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I LOVE waffles!!! I eat mine with preserves and whipped cream. 😋
Iwillwait · M
Was it soggy n cold?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Iwillwait The strawberries were soggy; they were preserves, it turned out, not fresh strawberries. Also, they forgot the whipped cream. But it wasn't cold.

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