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Have You Ever Fasted Before?

Thinking of Fasting for 20 days straight. I'm not sure why either. Some say you will feel more "enlightened" and some say your body will start to renew itself and others say you will lose a ton of water weight. I just want to see if I can.
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4meAndyou · F Best Comment
Only for 24 hours. It's a church thing. You are then supposed to donate the cost of one meal, which goes into the fund for those who need food or other assistance. You are supposed to fast for a purpose. Say that you want world peace or begin the fast by praying and telling God that you are fasting for that reason.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@4meAndyou Wonderful story. I'm sorry to hear about the aunt but glad she didn't die. Thank God. :) when I start my fast I promise to drink water all day every day.
4meAndyou · F
@theramengirl Thank you for best comment!
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@4meAndyou :) you are welcome

As an intermittent faster I would recommend you break yourself into it and allow your body to adjust. I started by not snacking in between meals for a few days. Once I’d successfully accomplished that I tried a 16/8 fast. That’s 16 hours fasting and then 8 hours with 2-3 meals, no snacking in between. A few weeks later I moved up to a 20 hour fast with a 4 hour window for 2 meals. Once I did that a few weeks later I went to a 24 hour fast, 1 meal and then a 24 hour fast…Beyond that I have successfully done a 72 hour fast. Most researchers agree that 72 hours gives your immune system a reset, completes autophagy, and reduces insulin resistance. Take supplements that will not break your fast like nutritional yeast, calcium citrate with magnesium and a bit of Himalayan salt in water for minerals. Lemon water will also not break your fast. And drink plenty of water as you fast to flush your system out, I can recommend a doctor on youtube who has dozens of videos on this subject if you’d like.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@stratosranger I changed my mind for now :) but I will refer to your post when I'm ready to start. Thank you for all this good info!
Sure. All the best. @theramengirl
No chance, I love food far too much. If I’m not eating I’m thinking about what I’m going to eat next 😂
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User I like food too. But still...I want to try.
I wish you luck 🍀 @theramengirl
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User thank you sophie
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Yeah but only for 5 days at the most. It’s too hot right now to go a long period of time without replacing your minerals
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@cherokeepatti Probably.
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
20 days sounds extreme to me, especially if you're new to fasting. I do intermittent fasting every day, and I've done alternate day fasting as well. The longest I've fasted is 40 hours. Be really careful if you decide to do an extended fast. Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into, how it will affect your metabolism and other internal systems, etc.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@ChampagneOnIce Yes I've researched it a lot!
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I've made it through a 3-day fast before but never 20. 😱
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@theramengirl Ugh, and it's even worse when it teams up with anxiety and they just pummel me! 😂

It does but I also know that it doesn't usually taste as good as my brain lies and says it will hahaha.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@thepreposterouspanda lol they're ruthless aren't they! :D Right it tastes empty just like the ingredients
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@theramengirl And the feeling after eating it is so blah too! 😝
Dry fasting? No, you need water
@theramengirl yes I have fasted before including 24 hours dry, which I won’t do again cause it literally was hard core and I felt like dying. But fasting on water feels okay no big deal
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User So did you feel renewed all over?
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theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Fatboy I know, huh? But I still want to at least try. There's no guarantee I'll make it that far.
I tried a 40 day fast
Only made it 20
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User What happened?
@theramengirl it’s tough. I caved
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User lol understandable
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Most I ever fasted for was a day
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Rolexeo it's definitely not easy.
minxy · 46-50, F
I've done a juice fast for a couple of weeks before dieting.
Miram · 31-35, F
Yes , and it was stupid.

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